DENVER, CO – Self-proclaimed “Dog Mom,” Ashley Miller, says she made a big mistake by voting for the reintroduction of wolves into Colorado.
Miller was enjoying brunch alongside her Pomeranian, Sprinkles, in her urban backyard when the unthinkable happened.
“It was a typical Saturday morning. I was doing everything I’m supposed to. I just got back from my meditative yoga class, I was listening to NPR, eating avocado toast and sipping a homemade espresso, and journaling about my white privilege,” recalls Miller. “Suddenly, two wolves strolled into my yard and immediately began eyeing my poor little Sprinkle Dinkle.”
The wolves began circling Sprinkles, undeterred by Miller’s commands of “Sit!” and “Stay!” Likewise, her offers of tofu and plant-based sausage also fell on deaf ears. The wolves pounced and in the blink of an eye, Sprinkles was gone.
When Miller was asked whether she has any regret over her decision to support wolf reintroduction in Colorado, she admits it was probably a mistake. “Like all my friends here in the city, we voted for the idea of wolves. If we had known it meant, like, actual real-life wolves, we would’ve voted no.”
Miller says that, in Sprinkles’ memory, she is going to rally all the women of her local dog park and bring awareness to the issue of wolf reintroduction. But she doesn’t plan to stop there.
“I can’t help but think…what was the home life for those wolves growing up? Was their father vicious? What if they’d had access to a better education or broadband cable Internet? Maybe they’d have sat and stayed when I asked nicely.”
But first, Miller is taking a month off from her job as a “Life Consultant,” to grieve and to plan an elaborate celebration of life event for Sprinkles. Her goal is to raise $30,000 via a GoFundMe campaign to “give Sprinkles the party she deserves.”